
Here you will find the latest news from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion - new research results and publications, prizes and awards, innovations on our campus, interesting projects and cooperations and much more.

MPI CEC research article as 'Scientific Highlight'

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JCP: Two articles from the department of Prof. Neese as 'most accessed articles in 2014'

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RSC highlighted research work of Dimitrios Pantazis and his group

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NATURE publishes current research results of MPI CEC

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Laboratories of the MPI CEC brighten chemistry class

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MPI CEC invited to Electrochemistry-Workshop in Berlin

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Dr. Jennifer Strunk is Jochen-Block-Preis-winner

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Light for Change - 2015 the International Year of Light

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Prof. Neese has become Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry

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Prof. Neese has become Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry

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MPI CEC director awarded for his life's work

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Ernst Haage Award Ceremony 2014: The MPI CEC awarded two extraordinary scientists for their success in the field of energy research.

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Prof. Silvia Braslavsky, former MPI CEC research group leader, supports scientific exchange with Argentina.

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Dirk Kampen honoured for his excellent performance

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Prof. Gärtner new member of the Editorial Board of the JBC

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Prof. Lubitz new vice president of the curatorship of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

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Dr. Erdem as organiser of a conference on energy technologies

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Stanford Unitversity awards Chris Pollock

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Prof. Schlögl elected chairman of the coordination group 'Forschung'

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Chemical & Engineering News picks up research articles by Prof. Neese

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