On Sunday, 28.03.2021, the 113th episode of Treffpunkt WissensWerte will run on rbb inforadio. The program begins at 9:22 a.m. on the topic "Vorgänger in der Energiewende?", in which Prof. Robert Schlögl, Director of the Department of Heterogeneous Reactions, discusses with science editor Thomas Prinzler and other experts.
Together they address questions of electric mobility and power supply and discuss the possibilities of renewable energies.
In addition to Prof. Schlögl, Dr. Kathrin Goldammer, Managing Director of the Reiner Lemoine Institute Berlin, and Claudia Rathfux, Head of Customer and Market Relations at Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, will also participate in the program.
"WissensWerte" is a format of the Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting Corporation (rbb) that focuses on scientific and technical topics and answers questions about science and research. The program also includes interviews ("Wissenswerte im Gespräch") and, at irregular intervals, the discussion round "Treffpunkt Wissenswerte," in which Prof. Schlögl now also participates.
Further information is available on the rbb website. There you can also find more interesting episodes of the format and the possibility to stream the radio report.