Prof. Serena DeBeer was invited to serve on the Peer Review Panel of the Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. All the synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide enroll review panels, in order to judge the scientific excellence of the proposals submitted by the users. These panels are very important as their members are experts within their fields and therefore are able to assess the feasibility, importance, innovation and scientific impact of each proposal. Based on such input, the facility management may or may not allocated beam time for users at a particular beamline at chosen synchrotron.
At Diamond Light Source, panel members are invited to serve for a period of up to three years. After one year of serving on a respective panel, the membership is extended so a member can become a Panel Chair for the following two years. The panel usually meets twice a year, in May and November.
Prof. DeBeer is going to be in Oxfordshire on the 23rd and 24th of May to serve on the panel for the X-ray Absorption, X ray Emission and X-ray Diffraction techniques, in which she is a world-wide recognized expert. She has also been an experienced user of synchrotron radiation facilities for over 20 years.
More information under <link http: users userguide proposals peer-review-panel.html>