<link>Prof. Walter Leitner received the <link http: www.sbchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp iocf e ourprojects_e ourprojects3e.html>IOCF Lectureship and was invited as guest lecturer to the Japanese universities in Kyoto and Osaka.
The IOCF Lectureship is awarded by the <link http: www.sbchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp iocf e aboutus_e aboutus1e.html>International Organic Chemistry Foundation, which was established in Kyoto in 2012 to promote academic development in the field of organic chemistry.
As part of the Lectureship, the Foundation invites renowned scientists from the field of organic chemistry to Japan for lectures at the University of Kyoto, the University of Osaka and other universities in the Kansai region (Kinki region).
This gives researchers and students at the universities the opportunity to establish international contacts, get to know cutting-edge technologies, and promote their own research activities with the help of guest lecturers