Elisabeth Glöckler and Jannis Hertel honored as best apprentices by the Essen Chamber of Commerce

Early graduation and direct entry into the labor market as chemical laboratory techniciansinnen

[Translate to EN:] © Industrie- und Handelskammer für Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen zu Essen

Happy faces and great recognition: Two of our former apprentices - Elisabeth Glöckler and Jannis Hertel - were honored by the Essen Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) as the best apprentices of the region 2024 for their outstanding achievements. At a ceremony held at ruhr tech campus Essen, right in the heart of the thyssenkrupp headquarters, on October 2, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce honored the best graduates from Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Oberhausen.
Elisabeth Glöckler and Jannis Hertel started their training at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion on September 1, 2021 and finished it six months earlier than the standard period. Since July of this year, they have been employed full-time as chemical laboratory technicians.
We are proud that our apprentices are among the top talents of the Essen Chamber of Commerce and thank them for their commitment and extraordinary achievements. The award shows how important high-quality training and continuous support are for the success of young talent.
Congratulations to Elisabeth Glöckler and Jannis Hertel!