Copernicus' energy recolution

Prof. Schlögl supports Kopernikus-Project of the BMBF

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research just started the new mammoth project ‚Kopernikus’ that covers four long-term research projects on the energy revolution. In total 400 million Euros will be invested to find out how a nearly 100% renewable energy supply can be reached.

Prof. Schlögl, director at the MPI CEC and coordinator of the 'Forschungsforums Energiewende' is an active and founding member of the Kopernikus-projects.

Further information can be found on the following websites. Unfortunately the information are only available in German.

<link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Solarify

<link http: wissen forschungspolitik-kopernikus-energiewende-1.2652689 _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Süddeutsche Zeitung

<link https: foerderungen _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>BMBF